viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008



I. Fill in the gap with an appropriate past form.

One fine morning, a man __________ (fish) in a river. The sun ___________ (shine) and the man ____________ (sit) on the river bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man ____________ (wait) patiently for several hours when suddenly he ____________ (feel) pulling on the fishing line. He ___________ (stand up) quickly and ___________ (begin) to take in the line. He _____________ (just/lift) the huge fish he had caught out of the water when there was a loud splash and it fell back into the river. At first, the man didn’t know what ____________ (happen). Then, he ___________ (look) carefully at his fishing line. It ____________ (snap). The poor man was so disappointed that he _____________ (pack) away all his things and went home.

II. Imagine you are going shopping to a mall you have never been to before. Write four sentences expressing your feelings about it. Use one thing, the (only) thing, something.


STUDENT: ____________________
DATE: ________________________

III. Read these cross-cultural situations. Write sentences describing what the visitors did wrong. Use the expressions given.
you’re (not) supposed to
you’re (not) expected to
it’s (not) the custom to
it’s (not) acceptable to

1.Hanne is from Denmark. When she was on vacation in Spain, some Spanish friends invited her to dinner at 9:00. She arrived at exactly 9:00, but her friends had not even arrived home yet.
2. Marylou is from the United States. During her first week in Paris, she went to a restaurant with some new friend. She was so happy with the service that she left a tip of 20 percent. Her friends were really embarrassed.
3. Peter is from New Zealand. When he went to Egypt, he was invited to dinner at a restaurant. When the bill came, he offered to pay for his dinner. His Egyptian friend was pretty upset.
4. Susana is from Brazil. She was working for a year in Osaka, Japan. One day, when she saw a Japanese co-worker in a bookstore, she went to say hello and kissed him on the cheeks. Her friend was shocked and embarrassed and left the store quickly.

5. Adam is from Canada. He was on vacation in Bali, Indonesia, and some new friends invited him to a temple to watch a special dance performance. He arrived on time wearing a clean T-shirt and shorts, but they said he couldn’t go inside the temple because he wasn’t dressed properly.

IV. Describe one possible problem for each of the following objects.
blouse, car, carpet, chair, mug, pitcher, plate, sink

V. Give the solutions for the following problems.
1. The DVD doesn’t work
2. My car is scratched
3. The TV screen is cracked
4. The walls are dirty

VI. Make sentences with a form of have something done for these situations. Use the correct tense.
1. The shop delivers Mary’s food to her house.
2. At the butcher´s Fred said, “Please cut the meat into small pieces”.
Fred__________________________________________ into small pieces.
3. The hairdresser cuts Rachel’s hair about twice a year.
Rachel______________________________________ about twice a year.
4. Last week, the optician checked Mr. Stone’s eyes.
Last week, Mr. Stone ____________________________________________________________
5. Mrs. Frost’s doctor says to her: “When you come to see me next week, I’ll check your blood pressure”
When Mrs. Frost goes to see the doctor next week, she ____________________________________________________________
6. A builder is going to mend the roof on our house.
We_____________________________________________ on our house.

SCORE: _____

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